Monday, 17 December 2012

Things are happening ....

The new project is proceeding apace, and is on course to launch in the new year. "And what is that?", I hear you ask .... well ... if you're not already receiving the newsletter, just nip along to, fill in your email address in the space indicated, and press the large, friendly 'Subscribe' button.  We will then keep you informed with all major developments as they happen.  It promises to be an exciting New Year, and you wouldn't want to miss out, would you ?

By the way, we promise not to 1) Bombard you with too much stuff, or 2) Pass on your email address to  anyone else for any reason whatever, etc. etc. etc......

In the meantime, have a happy Christmas and a very prosperous New Year, and keep watching !!

Best wishes
Martin & Vivi-Mari